Myrtle Beach, S.C. (Nov. 9, 2020) – Wildlife photographer Steve Ellwood has spent thousands of days in the prone position perfecting the art of ground-level shooting, inching his way into the confidence of wary shorebirds and wading birds throughout coastal South Carolina and Florida. After decades of painstaking attention to his craft, Steve brought together nearly 200 of his most powerful images in his new book: In the Moment: A Photo Journal by Steve Ellwood.
Steve has worked for LHWH since 1995 as the senior art director & photographer.
His work has been published by National Geographic and he has been featured in Astronomy Magazine, Nightsky Magazine and numerous local and regional publications.
LHWH’s team designed the book’s website to showcase Steve’s stunning photos and glowing testimonials from community members. LHWH also helped with social media and media relations as Steve promoted his book.
LHWH’s award-winning team offers web design, video production, branding, photography, public relations and digital strategy to start-up and existing businesses.
About LHWH
For more than three decades, LHWH Advertising & Public Relations has been a leading marketing and PR firm in the Carolinas. As a full-service marketing agency, it has represented national, regional and local clients in real estate, golf, tourism, entertainment, restaurants, banking and healthcare.
LHWH has an exceptional understanding of how to bring together brand personality and user experience into elegant web design and compelling video. From 2017 through 2020, LHWH has won 185 international/national awards.
LHWH’s current client list includes McLeod Health, Broadway at the Beach, Barefoot Landing, Burroughs & Chapin, Lucy Buffett’s LuLu’s, SimEx-Iwerks, Family Kingdom, Multiple Listing Service of Hilton Head Island and Coastal Carolina National Bank and other prominent area companies.