A Picture’s Worth 1,000 Words – But A Video’s Worth More

The company blog: a great opportunity to educate, inform and entertain. It’s a platform that allows you to have a voice and speak to your customers.

But, like any good website, it needs variety. How likely are you to stay on a page where you scroll down, only to be flooded with text and no visual elements? Not very. A video captures attention in a way that words and images alone can’t.

There are three major reasons that videos are important for blogs:

1. SEO.

When you upload a video, you’re able to optimize the description and keywords. And since video has been added to Google’s indexes and is said to return in one of every four searches, it’s another way to gain exposure.

It’s personal.

It does what the written word can’t: make your business seem warm and welcoming. It also allows you the opportunity to show your creative side.

3. It’s a quick and simple way to explain/show something.

Remember: time is of the essence. A minute-long video is more effective than numerous paragraphs of explanation or a gallery of images.

Bottom line: videos are a great way to optimize and enhance a blog. No matter the length or quality, they catch a blog reader’s attention more than the most extensive text. If you want your page views to increase, this is one option you’ll want to go with.