When a 2013 Pew Research study reported that teens weren’t joining Facebook in the numbers they once had, Facebook’s CFO acknowledged the decline. Then bloggers started piling on with dire predictions for Facebook as a marketing channel, with one even asserting that “Facebook is so over, dude.”
But that just didn’t sound right to us and we said so in a blog post last February. We were in good company then, with Jeff Bullas laying out some pretty convincing facts to support Facebook.
A few days ago, The Wall Street Journal reported about a Forrester Research report that shows that Facebook is still alive and kicking among teens. Forrester found that the teens they surveyed were actually using Facebook more than they were last year ― and predicted that usage will increase.
One possible reason: smartphones.
Facebook’s mobile app is extremely popular. So Forrester’s researchers think that increasing use of smartphones ― coupled with easy access to Facebook through its app ― may mean more teens use the platform and then stay with it as they age.